Prevention Services at SCAN


SCAN’s Prevention Programs work to address the root causes of child abuse and neglect, setting children, families and young adults up for security and success.

We believe that if we can focus on preparing parents and strengthening families, we can protect children throughout our community. At SCAN, this happens in a number of ways throughout the following programs.

Be SomeOne Now
Funded by WorkOne, the Be SomeOne Now program works with out-of-school youth to help them obtain their High School Equivalency certificate, work certifications and gain paid work experience so they can achieve career stability despite their early barriers to education.
Apply or make a referral.

Community Partners
Unfortunately, many families are just one step away from having a household in crisis. When the car breaks down, the baby won’t stop crying or mom can’t wrap her head around the implications of her child’s new medical diagnosis, a parent’s stress level rises. Studies repeatedly show this can lead to child abuse or neglect. Community Partners answers this need by providing short-term case management services to families in crisis, connecting them to resources in our community. They assist in resolving the situation so the family can maintain stability and security in their home.
Make a referral.

Daybreak Crisis Homes
For more than 30 years, Daybreak Crisis Homes have given distraught parents a place to go when they face a situation in which they are temporarily unable to provide a secure home environment for their children. For four hours up to seven days, children can stay in short-term foster care through Daybreak. Many parents use this service during the birth of another child, a housing crisis or a mental health issue.
Submit a request or referral.

Healthy Families
New parents often need reassurance and support. Healthy Families, a voluntary program, assigns a Home Visitor to qualifying new families from 28 weeks pregnant up to 12 weeks after a baby is born. This Home Visitor will then spend three years working with the family. They help track developmental goals, coach parents in nurturing their child and encourage the family to make stable, positive decisions.
Submit a referral form.

Prevention Education
Did you know SCAN provides free education to schools, churches and community organizations? SCAN’s Community Outreach Coordinator trains children, ages three through 18, as well as adults on indicators of child abuse and neglect, body safety, gun safety and internet safety.
Request a training.