Intervention Services at SCAN
Indiana is currently ranked second in the United States for the most child abuse and neglect cases. With more than twice the national average rate of instances of child abuse and neglect, Indiana children need quality services when they enter the Department of Child Services (DCS) so their homes can heal and they can reclaim their lives.
In Intervention Services, SCAN works to repair and rebuild relationships, ensuring that families referred to SCAN by DCS leave our services changed and unlikely to re-enter DCS services. We work to provide therapy and other services focused on building family relationships, as well
as the skills of attachment, initiative and self-regulation, empowering children to enjoy healthy relationships and a safe family environment.
Intervention Services are provided to families referred to SCAN by DCS due to an occurrence or immediate risk of child abuse or neglect. In some instances, DCS refers families due to issues that may lead to the child’s removal from the home. SCAN works with parents to create safe homes and healthy environments for their children through the following Intervention Services:
Clinical Services
Reserved for families with the highest level of need, SCAN offers evidence-based therapeutic services designed to restore families. This includes Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Family-Centered Therapy, which is a family systems model focusing on assisting families with creating lasting change.
Family Connections
Family conflict creates fear, stress, and confusion for everyone. Through Family Connections, parents can take classes, access mediation and use supervised visitation time to resolve their conflicts and keep their home lives stable. Families can also participate in Domestic Violence Services with Victims Assistance and Batterers Intervention.
Call (260) 426-9999 to enroll in workshops or to set up individual appointments.
Family Preservation Services
Through this service, one referral to SCAN can create a wrap-around of Intervention Services catered to families to create positive outcomes for everyone. Staff experienced in Intensive Intervention rapidly respond to crisis situations where a child is at immediate risk for maltreatment and could lead to removal from the home.
Fatherhood Engagement
When a dad begins to take greater responsibility in their child’s life, this program helps fathers establish that active role in a healthy manner while building a stable relationships with their child.
Home-Based Case Management
Provides in-home, one-on-one services to parents to help families recover from abuse or neglect. By having a caseworker in the home environment, families can pinpoint key issues and work together to resolve their conflicts.
Homemaker Services
SCAN’s staff monitor visits, take parents to appointments, help parents learn to care for their children.
Supervised Visitation
Conducted at SCAN, in the client’s home, or in public, this service teaches families parenting skills while maintaining the safety of children who have been removed from the home. This service also makes it possible for siblings and extended family members to maintain relationships when children are in foster care.